Getting to the point of 'getting there' is alot of work and preparation but I'm not complaining. I can't believe that after months of planning, we will be on the road in less than 24 hours. I am so grateful we get to experience this adventure with our dear friends, the Kachs. Please pray for traveling and alertness on the road and health for all of us. Most importantly, we covet your prayers regarding our heart attitudes. There will be much 'togetherness' over the next 3 weeks and I don't think I need to tell you how that can be a challenge for siblings and parents alike! Praying we bring glory to God as we enjoy this gift from His hand to us!!
Daddy and our "CyberBoy" devised this handy computer cabinet...I'll have to take another picture with it all set up...they even built a shelf underneath so that I could store some books and maps for reference :)
Home sweet home....yep, this will be home for the next 3 weeks!!

Sweet 'interruption' here's Miss Britt with the girls...several other friends dropped by this week to loan us equipment, audio books, and just to bless us with goodies for the trip.
Cushion Dilemma!Yesterday, we opened up the camper (which was graciously loaned to us by friends!) so that we could load up every nook and cranny with our stuff....a storm blew in and the men had to close it up in a hurry...they covered it with a tarp to protect it. Today, Philip and Curtis (and a friend too!) opened it back up again and were baffled by the dilemma of fitting the cushions together to get the camper to close up was a logic puzzle we all failed! Curtis was convinced the loaning family threw another cushion in, just to test our logic skills:) Finally after a phone call to our loaning friend, Philip was able to figure it out...
Victory!!We will try to update as we are able....thanks for checking in and sharing our adventure!!Love,Kathi for the gang~
I'm so excited!! I am the first to post and to join your list of faithful followers!! Have a great trip, all of you! Godspeed and may you all enjoy the journey!